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About The Roomss

人少少想book party room 自私聚,但達唔到最低人數無得book?同朋友喺銅鑼灣行到攰想坐低傾下計,但又想要番啲私隱?喺銅鑼灣SOGO隔離嘅The Roomss就可以為細團體提供聚會/派對場所,港鐵站D出口向左行一分鐘就到喇!


The Roomss總共有4間房,包括以香港特色為設計藍本嘅“Causeway Bay”房、好似置身大型帳篷入面嘅“Camping”房、最適合幾丁友一齊睇片睇電影嘅“Movie Movie”房、仲有文青嘅最愛“Wooden”房。喺The Roomss,最少只要兩個人就可以包一間房,啱哂人數唔多嘅小聚會!以為間房細就無嘢玩?少年你太年輕了。The Roomss唔單只有一般party room必備嘅board games,仲有PS4 Pro&VR或者Switch比你玩,包保一定唔會悶,分分鐘玩到唔捨得走!


咁都滿足唔到你?唔怕,The Roomss主打我哋自家制嘅團體遊戲App,入面總共有八個遊戲比你地挑戰,有真人語音逐步逐步教你點玩,仲會提供上百條問題同廿種懲罰比你,咁就唔怕玩到一半無貨啦!


我哋Walk-in同Book房都接受㗎,The Roomss咁就腳又多嘢玩,仲唔快啲約埋三五知己上嚟?


Does it bother you when you and your pals are looking for a gathering venue to spend some quality time, yet is in vain since you cannot meet the minimum number of people of all those party rooms? If that’s the case, The Roomss will be the perfect hideout for you.


The Roomss is a party venue specially designed to fit for small partys/gatherings in Causeway Bay. Here in The Roomss, you need only two people to enjoy the whole room yourselves. We have four differently themed rooms: the ‘Causeway Bay’ room which is decorated using ‘old Hong Kong’ as the blueprint, the ‘Camping’ room where a giant tent was put up, the ‘Movie Movie’ room which is equipped with professional projectors, and the artistic ‘Wooden’ room.

Our rooms are small but complete. Despite the wide variety of board games, each room is equipped with PS4 Pro & VR or Nintendo Switch. If these still aren’t good enough for you, our exclusive, self-designed ‘Party Game App’ will be the remedy. The app consists of a total of eight party games with all the questions and penalties ready, so it will save you the time to prepare for the games!

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